
Dec 20, 2010

American Apparel Floral Tights

Sooo this is funny, I discovered something today. This is how the story goes, laast week, my sis, mom and I went to a lil fabric store that my mom usually goes too, and I just think the fabric store doesn't really have great fabrics, most of them are cheap, but there are a few good fabrics. Anyways, I went to the back of the store, and there was a box of left over fabrics for a cheap price, and I was looking through the box, and I found a stretchy floral fabric, and I thought, hmmmm...what can I do with this? I thought of a head wrap, since it was stretchy, so I bought it. The next day I was thinking of what I should make of the fabric, I thought of making socks out of it, lol. I can't make leggings out of them, because it's not enough fabric for leggings. -.- But I googled floral leggings,  was looking at images, and scrolling down, and OHHHHHH MYYY GODDDDD!!!! GUESS WHAT I SAW?! AMERICAN APPAREL LEGGINGS THAT WAS THE SAME FABRIC FLORAL PRINT AS THE ONE I GOT FROM THE FABRIC STORE!!! LOL!!! I was SHOCKED!!! O.o Then I googled american apparel floral leggings, and whooa, I found a lot of girls wearing those floral leggings.
My mom thought I was nuts to want to make leggings out of the fabric, if I had more of it. HEY MOM GUESS I'M NOT SO NUTS!! hahahahaa.

Here are some of the pics I found of the leggings.

I feel rude to take pics from someones blog without their knowing, soo I put their url under each pic. :)

I found this pic @

I loove Karen's Blog!! ♥

got it from lookbook.


  1. Super cute print!

  2. wow! these are awesome. they look super cute on you.

    cool post! thanks for sharing, as always. can't wait to see what comes next!


  3. hi! Oh, um I'm not in the pictures. The pictures are of other girls.

    thanx. :)


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