
My April Music Playlist Of The Month!

I NEVER thought I would like K-POP! This song grew on me, and I went from sort of liking it to LOVING IT pretty quickly! LOL. I think it's a cute lil catchy pop song. :) I really like the video, I loove how they dance, and the video of where the girls are dancing in a plain background wearing the black outfits and the...

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My First Handmade Friendship Bracelet

All photo's were taken by me Here is my finished friendship bracelet that I said, I would show you guys in this post. It was my first time making a friendship bracelet, I never had one of these as a kid. But I would always see girls giving their bestie's these friendship bracelets, and welll....I always wanted one. And I know friendship bracelets made a comeback since...

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My First Friendship Bracelet!

Threads I got from Michaels, I got it because of these pastel colors of the light pink, yellow, purple, and green :) Here is my first friendship bracelet, wanted to show you guys my progress :) When I first started, I made a few mistakes at the topish area, the blue crosses over on to the green on the right side. Ooops....but hey, I learned...

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My Portrait Painting

Soooo you guys have seen pics of my face before on the blog, but now here's a painting of my face! This is a Portrait assignment for my oil painting class, and welll...I just hope the potrait will look like me once I do the details and what not at the end. Because, I'm not liking how it is looking right now :/,  I did...

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Ombre Hair

I know the ombre hair trend has been out since last yr and I have always loved it since; but several weeks ago, I self cut my hair and gave myself side sweep bangs, which was fun. :D And after I was done cutting my hair, I played around with my new cut and I don't know, all of a sudden I started imagining myself...

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Lipstick Lovin'

Lately I have been wanting lipsticks in the shades of pink and red. My skin tone is fair, sooo pink shades look great on me, but more of light pink, nothing too bright, which actually suuuucks! I looove fun bright colors, and damn, everything I love, it doesn't look good on me. :(  I reallly want a fun pink shade almost like a...

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My Easter Nails

I wanted to give my bunny a kawaii look, so that's why I did the eyes, and mouth like that and gave blushes on the cheek. :) My hatched egg with the chick got ruined, because after I was done doing my nails, I collected my nail polishes to put them back in it's place and dammit, my ring finger got in contact...

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Remixt.us (A Pretty Cool New Site)

Remixt is a new site that is in beta form, and it's a place where you take pictures from other sites,( but of course link them back!) and you form them in a collage way or a theme or a story. It's really cool, I played around with it a few times and I really like it and it's pretty fun! :D I'm def....

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Mall Pics & Shoppers Style

The store is BCBG Maxazria, & I loooove the middle outfit.  Love the colors blue and white together with a dash of gold. ♥ I loove swirl stairs ♥ While walking around the Westfield Topanga Mall, I saw this Free People display case, and had to take a pic of it. :D  This carousels is sooo HUUUGE! It's so cool ♥ I was at H&M...

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