
My First Landscape Painting - A Poppy Field

3:32 AM

The picture I took as a reference to the painting.

This is my fav part of the painting, the whiteish area, I just want to jump into the painting, and take a walk along the path wearing a cute summer dress, a straw hat, and being bare foot. Being care free and lost with the flowers.

I love this part too, it was fun and easy to paint

This was easy to paint as well, it reminds me of a octopus tinticels, that's also what
Anna thought too! lol

I thought landscape paintings would be boring and hard to do, buuut WAS I DEAD WRONG! LOL.
It was actually everything opposite of what I thought, I should stop judging :P.
This painting only took me 2 days and a half  to complete, and it was reaaalllly easy, fun and kind of relaxing! :)

My teacher wanted us to do a impressionism style for our landscape painting, and I did my best. :)
I reallllly love impressionism paintings, they're a lot of fun and FAST! :D

This painting is of a poppy field, and is based off of picture I took yrs ago near the Mojave desert, and I used the picture as a reference for this painting. My teacher didn't want us to copy everything from the picture, she wanted us to make choices to crop, add more color, play with color, just experiment.
And, yeah, I guess that is why I also loved this painting, because WE DIDN'T HAVE TO COPY EXACTLY WHAT WE SAW, which I love!

After finishing this painting, I thought to myself, that I would love to do another landscape painting, but like another flower field :) .  I would also love to try my hand at doing a landscape painting, but only painting with a knife palette, I love how challenging the idea is, and I'm curious. :)
So maybe over summer I'll try painting only with a palette knife. :)


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