
FREEBIE FRIDAY: Hand Drawn Photoshop Brushes!

DOWNLOAD   I'm excited to share with you guys, my 1st brush pack that's hand drawn by me and made in photoshop! I waited allll week to finally make a post about this!  You guys can DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE @ my deviantart account, just look for the DOWNLOAD FILE  at the right hand side, there's a green arrow pointing down next to...

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RMXTUMBLR : A Strong & Feminine Woman

Rebecca Minkoff, Tumblr and Nordstroms came together to do a talent search through tumblr, looking for Artist, Models and Photographers.  The Artists had to design a tee shirt & canvas tote inspired by Rebecca Minkoff, and I guess Nordstrom's  favorite type of woman: Strong & Feminine. The winning t-shirt will be walked in Rebecca Minkoff's Spring 2014 show at New York Fashion Week and...

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Outfit Post: Old Navy Blogger Event

What I was wearing: Top - Mine... (Flea Market) Cardigan - No Brand (Gift from my mom) Jeans - BLANK NYC (Macy's) Flats - Old Navy What's in the bag?! Watch my video, it's pretty sweet ;) What the other blogger girls & I got from the Old Navy Blogger event last Thursday. :) ♥Eliza ...

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Old Navy Blogger Event!

Our mannequins we got to style!  Textured Open-Knit Cardis Graphic Perfect Tanks The Diva Skinny - Ankle Pants Zip-Pocket Crossbodies Braided Wedges This was styled by Melissa, from The Key to Chic. This outfit is sooo her!! The printed pants, mixing prints with color and the shirt, so very her. I love that she picked out a shirt that had the word Key...

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Old Navy Blogger Night Event

HIIII GUUUUYS!!!! :D I'm soooo excited to announce that I will be part of a blogger event this Thursday night, from 6-8pm @ the Northridge mall, in the Old Navy store!  It's going to be me, and other local fashion blogger girls there and we are going to offer style advice and tips for shoppers during the event!  I have to admit though, I'm...

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My 4th of July Outfit

I wanted to keep my outfit simple and have a old school American vibe, like a bit rockabilly. :) I thought the red bandanna and the black high top Converse shoes were the perfect touches for the old skool Americana vibe :) I know I'm super late with this post, & I'm sorry about that, but, my computer net, is never stable, it's...

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Denim On Denim

What I'm wearing: Top - Uniform John Paul Richard (Def. from the 90's!) lol Jeans - Blank NYC Shoes - Zara Bracelet (On my left hand) - London Manori I have been wanting a chambray button down top, for several months now, and while looking around my closet, guess what I found?! I found a denim chambray button down top! YAYYYYY! The top...

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BA Star!

var search_me = '6_500'; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i=scriptElems.length - 1, curLoc; for (; i; --i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if ('innerText' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.innerText.indexOf(search_me)) break; }else if ('textContent' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.textContent.indexOf(search_me)) break; }} addImpression(6,500);var clkHndlr = function(event) { addListenersForClickAround(6,500, curLoc); };addEvent(window, 'load', clkHndlr); I received a eye shadow palette from BA Star through Brandbacker to do a review/article...

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My Spring Wish Closet!

Hey guys! I finallllly got some free time to blog, yayyy! I've been busy with school, like I have never ever experienced such a busy life, to the point of not having time to watch some tv, txt/call my close friends and I get little sleep too! >.< I'm always busy completing my art projects, though I am on instagram a looot, it's...

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