
Reflection of 2015 :)

2015  For the most part it was a good yr, it had it's ups and downs like any yrs, there were some bad and scary moments, but those are so small compared to ALL THE GREAT THINGS HAPPENED THIS YR! :D  I accomplished dreams and goals,  1. I faced my fear and took a ballet class and I got to perform for an...

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MEOW! ;)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS! This costume was totally last minute, all thanks to my handmade cat ear headband! :D  I wanted cat ears just for a fun accessory, I wanted to make the cat ear headband with the metal wire with rhinestones, but I didn't have the materials, so I thought why not make it out of felt, just a all black one. So...

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Sephora Birthday Gift

Hi guys, long time no....blog, haha ^^ Any who, today is my birthday, and this is really the only gift I got, but I'm pretty happy about, because, it's NARS! :D  Most of my make up is drugstore bought, like $1 and $2 lippie products lol, so I'm so happy to have a HIGH END LIPPIE PRODUCT! Last yr, I did get the...

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Born Pretty Store - {Product Review + Nail Art Tutorial}

Hi guys! This post/video is long time over due, I was supposed to post it in January, I actually filmed it over January, and saved it to my pc, and I was going to edit it out. But then uni started, and with a surprise, I got a mac (whoop) for my digital illustration class, and I quickly had to install it to...

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Happy New Years guys, and with this I present you....POOP! lol I've been busy making plushies out of felt, and this emoji all started for a friend, because the poop emoji is their fav so, I wanted for fun to make the poop emoji out of felt and give it to my friend! ♥ This was my first plushie I have made and...

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