
Fashion's Night Out 2010

5:40 AM

   I went with my twin to the Grove in LA, it was our first time going to a event like this or really any kind of event, so we really didn't know what to expect besides a live fashion show and people who love fashion. For the show, I thought there was going to be a fashion runway, but instead the models stood on circular stands. I was bummed out from that, what can I say? I JUST LOOOVE THE RUNWAY! :D But the event at the Grove was nice, there was a DJ, and servants serving appetizers. I didn't really eat the appetizers, I just cared for the desserts :D lol.  I love my sweets! After the fashion show was done, the event hostee's brought mannequins with falls'10/winters'11 fashions of what's in and what's going to be in trend. For example what's in trends are, leather pants, lots of layering, and wearing belts over cardi's, jackets, coats, and horizontal stripes will still be in for next yr and velvet.  After the trend showing, my sister and I were standing, looking around us, taking pictures and shivering our asses off, because it got really cold later at night. So waiting for the next show, I was looking  around when I noticed to my left there was a group of fashion blogger girls and a man socializing together. I then turned my head away to look straight, and all of a sudden I got this feeling as if someone was looking at me, so I turn my head to the left side again, and the man was looking at my twin and I! He said, "HI!" with a big smile and a wave. I smiled back at him, then quickly turned to my twin who was on my right side, and she said, "Did he say hi to us?!", and I said, "I don't know". Before we knew it, the man walked towards us, and said hi to us again with a smile, and we both said hi back. He asked if we liked the event, and we said yes, then there was like a few seconds of awkward silence. We three looked at each other with a smile and while this was going on, my mind was frozen. I blanked out, and I so badly wanted to have a convo with the man, but oh god....I didn't know to say. That was a total fail. :/ I felt like he wanted to say something to us, but then another man came up to him, and they started to have a convo *sigh*. Soo, I looked at the time which was 8:26 pm and I told my twin that I  wanted to go to Nordstroms to see fergie @ 9 pm. As we were heading to Nordstroms, I saw a newswoman talking to a shopper and I said to my twin, "OH MY GOD! Lets walk behind the shopper so we  can be on t.v. LOL!".  We passed by giggling as we looked at the camera man. :D It was either channel 2 or channel 4, but yeah, that was fun! :D
When we entered Nordstroms, WOW! It was packed with fans and paparazzi's waiting to see Fergie!  My sister and I were standing near the escalator where Fergie was going to make her entrance. While waiting for Fergie Ferg, there was a young DJ who was playing/mixing awesome dance music! I would say he was a better DJ than the DJ at the fashion show. I just loved the way he mixed two song and how he made a good smooth transition of one song going into the other song. VERY NICE! It made me want to dance, but I'm too shy, and don't really know how to dance without making myself look like a fool! LOL! When it was 9 pm, the DJ started playing Fergie songs, and I got my twin sister's Lumix ZS3 camera, and set it on video to capture her entrance. After capturing a lil video of Fergie, my sister and I took turns at taking pictures of Fergie and also I used my cell. :)
    Overall, my sister and I had a great time minus freezing our asses off lol, and we hope to go to more fashion events in the near future! Speaking of the future, next year in February, the Grove is going to have their FIRST Fashion Runway Show! I soo can't wait to go! :D

Tom shoes & Fergie Footwear

Nice shot, except for that guy on the left. -.-
I like her sleeveless fur vest and her studded skirt

:D lol
Another nice shot of the male model! :D ♥

Mac make-up was there giving free make overs.

Like the vest

Like the booties
His name is George, and I like his shirt. lol

The 2nd  show with the mannequins 
I wished I was that mannequin, because I was reaaally cold! >.<

I liked that womans dress on the left, just colorful. :)
My twin sister and I liked his style! :D
Loved her dress! She made it herself, she got fashion night out shirts, and made a dress out of it.
My twin I went over to her, and told her that we loved it, and it's a very creative idea!
I like her red shoes. :D

OH LOOK! It's me! 
This is when my twin and I left the fashion show, and stepped in Nordstrom for Fergie.
I'm wearing:
Tank top-Old navy
Plaid-Signiture (got it @ Ross :P)
Jeans-Jolt Jeans
Oxford Shoes-Zara

My partner in crime, my twin sister! 
She looks so cute, I put her outfit together :D
She is wearing:
Tank top-Old Navy
Plaid-Ashely International (I got it @ Ross)
Tights-Was a gift from our mom
Oxford Shoes-Sam Edelman

Tom shoes. There were artists free painting/drawing on Toms shoes.

Fergie's Body Guard. That guy is HUUUGE!! Look at his GUNS! O.O. lol 

Fergie is so beautiful. :) ♥

I loove my twins camera, lol.

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