
What I Loved From Alberta Ferretti Spring 2011 Ready- To- Wear

4:49 AM

A poem I quickly made up, while looking at the Alberta Ferretti spring 2011 collection:

Sheer is in the air, 
everywhere you turn around,
florals, ruffles,
addicting like chocolate truffles.

LOL!  I feel the poem is unfinished, and I was eating chocolate truffles when I made this poem up. :D

 From left to right

1. I love this dress. I love the sheerness of it, and just so light and feminine. ♥
2. I love the skirt part, love the colors of it.
3. I love this, looove the sheerness of the bottom of the dress. I love that this dress has a bit of old fashion feel to it, but yet modern. :)
4. I love the crochet work on the dress, love the sleeves.
From left to right

5. It's a cute dress.
6. I love the floral prints on the skirt, so nice, I also love the flowiness of the skirt
7. Love the bottom of the dress, love the crochet work on the skirt.
8. I love the top, and looooooove the SHEER FLOWY SKIRT!!!  

From left to right

9. I love the layered ruffles, and somewhat the color.
10. Love the color of the dress, and the fabric, and just really the design of the dress.
11. The only thing I liked about this outfit, was the braid detail on the waist area of the skirt, so cute!
12. Love the color, love the flowiness to it. It kind of reminds me old vintage sleep wear, mainly the bottom part of the dress.

From left to right

13. LOOVE THE DRESS, SO VERY CUUTE!! Love the print, and the colors.
14. I would say this is my FAV DRESS!!! I love the bit of looseness of the dress, love the soft ruffles, it reminds me of water ripples.
15. This is also a cute dress, like the crochet on the chest area, and the sheerness of it.
16. I LOVE THE TOP!!  I just love everything about it. :)

From left to right

17. Love the dress, love the crochet, the print, and again the sheerness of it
18. Loove this dress, sucha pretty color. Love the belt, and the sleeves.
19. I loooove this dress!!! Love everything about it! !

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