
Happy Day's, Happy Nights!

2:46 AM

*All pictures taking by my twin*

Sweater- Gap
White Collared shirt- My sister's collar button down top from the early 90s.
Skinny Jeans- Jolt
Oxfords- Sam Edelman
Black Little Bag- My mom's

Story of the outfit

I wore this outfit on saturday, it was a last minute outfit, and I usually plan my outfits a ahead of time, like from head to toe, including my hair-do, and make up. lol. But Saturday, I felt like dressing up, and wanted to make a outfit with the sweater/collared trend. I first wanted a solid colored sweater, I really wanted a yellow sweater, but I couldn't find my mother's yellow sweater.... >.<. I found my sisters green sweater, but it was a v-neck with a 3/4 sleeve, and I wasn't feeling the color green or the sleeves, so I continued searching the closet, till I found my old gap colored sweater!! :D I thought, 'hmmmm...I wonder if it fits me...' I tried it on, and YAYYY LOL IT STILL FITTED ME!! It was just short lenght wise, but still pretty good. :) I loove the sweater, I had it when I was like 14 or 15 yrs old, LOL. :D So I paired it up with the only white collard button down shirt that was in the closet, which is my twin's shirt. The collared shirt is ok, it's a bit stiff fabric, which I didn't like, but it was the only one we had in our closet (twin and I share room). I should invest in more white collared blouses/shirts, I mean it's just as more essential in the closet just as much as black tops! Won't you guys agree? When I wore my outfit, I looked in the mirror, and thought to myself, I look some what preppy and a bit nerdy, but I thought it was a cute look overall. :D I then decided I wanted to do like a school girl prep nerd theme look, by adding a  ribbon bow tie on my ponytail, but I couldn't find one! >.<. I also wanted a brown vintage bag, and looked through my moms vintage bags, but didn't find a brown bag that went with my outfit. So I went with the little black bag, and wore my twins black oxford shoes. When my twin was taking pics of me, she said, my look had a vintagey feel, and I told her, yea, kinda like happy days? Then she told me that I should name my post, Happy Day's , Happy Night's!
It's fun taking pics at night!! :D Lol <3

*Question: Do you guys own clothes from your teen yrs, and still have them in your closet, and still wear them to this day?*  

 I'm just wondering.

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