
Quarantined Birthday

11:58 PM


August 24th is my birthday.

My wish for my birthday was to NOT spend my day AT HOME, because, well, that's depressing, I have always went out with my twin sister on our bday. But not today, today I stayed home and I was sad about that. I had a job since June, my first sewing job, which I was THRILLED ABOUT, very entry level, sewing elastics to medical masks for hospitals. I was really happy there and having to just SEW. Sure, overtime, the job became tiring for my body, but, I still loved the job, I honestly loved it more than my freelance illustration jobs, because I love to work with my hands <3

Anywho, early August, at work there were 2 celebrations, a surprise wedding celebration for a worker and another of someone's birthday. I thought, 'Oh, wow! This is so cool & sweet of the company to do this for their workers!' I thought maybe they'll throw me a surprise birthday celebration too! It was always a lil dream of mines to have a bday celebration by co-workers at the workplace, I just wanted to feel that happy, caring, loving and healthy environment at a workplace, since I never experienced that as I'm a freelancer and work by myself. 

But, I had a feeling, I won’t get a bday celebration at work last week & I was sad about that, I just had a feeling, but I thought, maybe they will do something for me? Would be nice😌 *Staying hopeful*

But, last Friday, I was given UNEXPECTED news, I was told not to come to work on Monday and that week, because I’ll be on standby as the coronavirus is “lessening” as the co-worker told me, which is such a lie *rolls eyes*


As I said, I had a FEELING, I won’t get a bday celebration at work, but damn, I didn’t expect to not come at all, I didn’t expect that news!! It was such a bomb drop for me. I just wanted to cry, because my wishes & hopes for my bday were gone now, I would really be having a quarantined birthday -.-

Waking up this morning, I was sad, but the sadness quickly changed, after my mom wished me a happy birthday, she was the only one that wished me and my sister a happy birthday, no cousins, no other family, just my mom. And I realized at that moment, that’s all that really mattered. Sure, my bday wishes came crashing down on me, sure I won’t get the office bday celebration surprise, sure, I won’t be celebrating outside my home, but, I had my mom, the only person in my family to say, “Happy Birthday” with a hug & a kiss❤️✨

My mom is my Birthday present, she’s the only one that’s there for me when no one else is, she’s the only one that really matters. Not the workplace, not the workplace celebration with people that probably don’t really care about me, not the Porto’s cakes, sandwiches & welches Sparkling Rose, those are just things.

I don’t know if my mother will be here next yr, so this may be the last birthday celebration I have with her, so having her for another birthday and her forever love is honestly the only thing I needed & the only thing that truly matters, and that in itself is a present. ❤️✨


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