
Selfie Sunday

7:30 PM

    • A new blog series: Selfie Sunday
  • (Images by Lisa, Collage via Canva)

No, no, not what you're thinking, it's not a post to show pictures of the selfie. In a world where we have become so into the selfie, where there's even a #SelfieSundays, I thought to myself this past month, Selfie....it's always about a picture of ones face usually or of themselves. But I thought to myself, why not write about the self on Sundays, when I have something to share!

This year, mainly from February to April, I have been deep into my thoughts about reflecting on life, fated moments, people, the connections we have with people, ourselves, and just trying to understand it all with thoughts, questions and trying to find answers or discovering realizations, it's all been eye opening and well, I have so much to say, that I decided to share about the self of the inner me. 

I won't post every Sunday's, just when I have something to share or when I feel ready to share from my heart!❤️ 😊

Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday😊✨


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