
My Playlist Of The Month

11:56 PM

It all first started with the song, Fuck S.O.PA. , and Anna found out of Arion, and introduced me to him, soo thanks Anna! ;D  
And so I started checking out the rest of his videos, and found a song of Gregory Gorgeous and was like....oh my god....have to check this out! And  it was INSTANT LOVE! :D It's such a fun and upbeat song! Man, Arion, really knows how to make beats, and good ass music! :D

Arion- I'm Gorgeous B*tch!
LOOOVE THIS SONG!! I loove the beats, so fucking good!
I love the part at 0:46 through 1:16 !

So if you looove Dubstep DEF. CHECK OUT ARION!

Looove this epi, love the songs Earthquakey people, Ladi Dadi,  Heart Breaker (I loove Lovefoxxx's voice!), Control Freak, annnnd Cudi The Kid! I was SOOO HAPPPY when I heard Kid Cudi's voice! I missed hearing new music from him !

Lily Brook is a young talent that I found of through soundcloud (gotta love soundcloud :D), and I liked her name and checked her out and her music, and was just WOWED AT HER VOICE!  It's SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL, that I quickly became a fan of her and checked out her other songs, and her songs are real and genuine, I mean you can tell from her lyrics, I mean...I was just really blown away by her voice, and that she writes her OWN SONGS at such a YOUNG AGE!
And I should say, if you do check out her songs on her soundcloud, she wrote them when she was 12 and 13 yrs old! :O, SUCH A YOUNG TALENT  and I HOPE she will be signed up to a record label soon!

Sooooo.... if you loove to hear a beautiful/sweet voice, def. check her out and the rest of her songs on her soundcloud!

Love this song by Morgan Page, I love the beats with Tegan & Sara's voices, SOOOO NICE AND GREAT!! I think they should do more songs together! :D

He's featuring Usher in the song, and ohhhh myyy gosshhhh.....I FELL IN LOOVE WITH THE SONG, because Usher's voice is SOOO DAMN GOOOD!!! I was reallly wowed by his voice, I mean, I just love how SMOOOOTH IT IS! :D
This song is a MUST LISTEN!!!
 I mean, look at all the comments it got! O.O

I found of this song, late January, and every since have been listening to it DAILY!  IT IS JUST SO DAMN FUCKING GREAT!!! :D lol, I'm really in love with this song !
I just loove how it starts, and just love really the whole song , too bad it's short though :(
Some say this song is Dupstep, some say it's drum and bass? I don't really know, all I know is that it's fucking great! :D lol.

Girls- Honey Bunny
This is a catchy song that I actually found the day before Valentine's day on Refinery 29, and I really liked it.
I think it's a cute song and kind of funny with the lyric of  "they don't like my boney body" lol, I saw the video to the song and uhhh...yeahhh....he reallly has a boney body! I don't know it made me laugh a bit lol.
But aside from that, I really like the singers voice, it's calm and softish. :)

Sooo there you have it guys, my playlist of the MONTH!
It's what I have been listening to all month looong, I mean though, I do listen to other songs, buuut, these songs I have fallen in love with and wanted to share with you guys :)

I will be doing a playlist at the end of EVERY month, because I love to share music and I'm always finding and looking for new music. :D

Ohhh...and HAPPY LEAP YR!


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