
In NEED of.....

11:48 PM

I love how evenly the hearts are spread out.

I don't really like how the hearts are so close together, you know? It bugs me, lol.
It's not evenly spread out like AA's heart tights. :/

These are cute, but the hearts are so tiny, that it almost looks like dots. O.o

Love her outfit & her tights
 I'm guessing her heart tights are from American Apparel, because it didn't mention on her blog.

Black Sheer Heart Tights
Yess...I WANT THEM!  I have been wanting them since 2010, but this yr, I reallllly want them now :( 
A little too late, because I can't seem to find them anywhere besides American Apparel. 
I wish Forever 21 or H&M had them.
Anyone know if any retail store has them? If so, pretttty plzzzz tell me! :)

Suspender Tights
I have fallen in love with them 

Though, I want the heart tights more than the suspender tights, I think it's a cute staple in the closet, and goes with almost everything. :)


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