
A Quick Update!

From left to right: My finished Interior Space painting, Landscape painting, 2nd Portrait Painting, and lastly, my 2 panel final paintings (that I'm currently working on)! :D  Hey guys! Sorry for not updating the blog with new posts, but I have been super busy with my oil painting class, painting everyday!  Since my last post, I have been busy painting, I literally just wake up eat,...

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Collage by me, made with Gimp & Cropmom (such a great scrapbook collage site!), I had fun making this., as you can tell. ;D Here's what I have been loving from Forever 21 from there NEO GLOW  collection. 1. Reverse High-Low Tunic 2. Chiffon Trimmed Trapeze Tank 3. Sleeveless High-Low Shirt 4. Sunflower Lace Top (in green) 5. Oversized Peter Pan Collar Top 6. Hooded Surplice Romper 7. Draped Duster Cardigan...

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Interior Space Painting

My oil painting that I'm currently doing for my oil painting class, and it's due the following Friday. We had to choose a interior space within the art building or like around the art building, and well I choose the .....ummm...it's like a patio? of the art building. I really loved the big window spaces (I don't know the correct word, sorry), and I thought...

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Black & White Still Life Painting

I'd like to call this painting, Gonna Get My Nails Did ;D The nail polish at the far end on the right, the black spot is the nail polish brush :D I love that polish bottle, because of that part ♥ Sooo much fun painting nail polishes! :D The buffer, I realllly wanted to get the effect of all the scratches on my buffer and...

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My Finished Portrait Painting

I know one eye is bigger than the other :/ lol Remember how I told you guys in this post, how I might start all over or not on my portrait painting? Welll...I started over with a new canvas, because I was not happy with the first "me portrait".  It didn't look like me, and when I came home, my mom and sister...

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