
Black & White Still Life Painting

1:52 AM

I'd like to call this painting, Gonna Get My Nails Did ;D

The nail polish at the far end on the right, the black spot is the nail polish brush :D
I love that polish bottle, because of that part
Sooo much fun painting nail polishes! :D

The buffer, I realllly wanted to get the effect of all the scratches on my buffer and I did, and it was fun to do. :D

My mom thought at first  the cotton balls were walnuts....LOL.

This is my 2nd black & white still life painting that I did for my oil painting class, and I did this painting like in April (somewhere around my spring break) and actually left it like the last minute, 2 nights before it was due, and well I hustled, and had no time to be a picky painter and I just had to quickly paint. I only painted this painting for 2 nights, because I had to wait for the evening/night so the room can be dark and that I can turn on my light source and quickly paint away!

For my still life h.w., I didn't want to do the typical veggies and fruits, ugh hate that shit! >.< I realllly wanted to paint something fun and of my interest. So I thought of having a set of nail polishes and supplies as if I'm gonna do my nails and thought it was a fun idea to have a nail polish open and a lil splatter on the paper towel! :D

I really loooove this painting, I had fun with it and SURPRISINGLY IT WAS EASY TO PAINT! Who knew nail polishes would be easy to paint?! I thought it would be hard because of the reflections and I actually had nooo idea the nail polishes were gonna turn out good, because of how quickly I was painting, I thought I was going to do a sucky job, lol, but it was completely opposite and I shocked myself. :D lol

I guess, being LESS PICKY, and just not doing too much thinking and rather going with the flow makes me paint better and surprise myself? Where as, if I do a lot of thinking, I tend to screw something up and then I want to fix my mistake, thinking I'm going to fix it, but I just make matters worse. :/

I enjoyed doing this painting, and over summer I would LOOOOVE to do a COLOR VERSION! I was thinking, maybe I should do a lil collection of nail polishes and me interacting with nail polishes? I don't know, but I'm looking forward to do some painting ideas. :D


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