
The Lovely Wanderlust Illustration

11:43 PM

Emily and Abigail from The Lovely Wanderlust, wanted me to draw them wearing their fav Balmain dresses and their fav sunnies, Emily with the round/rectangular frames and Abigail with the aviators on. :)

This is my fav illustration I have done thus far for a blogger.
Last summer like around May, I got an email from Emily & Abigail, saying they wanted me to draw for them (after they saw this post with my illustrations),  and I was thrilled & excited! I had been waiting for that moment/opportunity since I started this blog to hopefully get noticed by my illustrations. :D
 But even thought I was feeling all the positive emotions, I felt really nervous when I started drawing, because I was really scared that the drawing would not come out that good, and it took me forever to finish due to all my nerves, but I was wrong, it came out better than I expected! I worked really hard on this illustration, and I was really picky and wanted the dresses to look close to exact of the real dresses on the models. :)

I'm really honored that Emily & Abigail chose me to do this illustration for them, it was the first time a blogger contacted me and asked me to do an illustration, so I felt like this was a big thing for me. :)

Check out their blog, they have great posts, I love their fashion photography, and have great interviews with designers & they always seem to be out and about having fun with fashion! :D


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