
Halloween Nail Art + Music Playlist! :)

1:01 PM

Colors You Will Need,
From Left to Right
Jordana - 089 Black 
        Sinful Colors Nail Art 1624 Orange Alert
Santee Plus - M32 White
Nabi - 82 Neon Yellow (Although, not neon yellow at all.)

1.Apply a BASE COAT
2. Apply a BLACK COAT, I applied 2 coats.

3. I used Sinful Colors Nail Art, to make the outline of the candy corn.
I first started at the top middle of my nail, and drew down at the side

4. Do the same as step 3, by starting at the top and dragging the nail polish down at the side. :)

5. I then filled in my outline with Sinful Colors Nail Art, just because I wanted too.

6. I let the Sinful Colors dry, and then I applied the L'oreal orange color over the Sinful Color Nail Art,
because, it's a nice vibrant orange. :)
And it's ok not to fill it at the top of the candy corn, because you'll be covering that with white, the tip of the candy. :)
7. Get your WHITE nail polish, and paint a little triangle at the top of the tip of the candy corn. :)
Excuse my white Santee Plus nail polish, it's getting old and clumpy that the ring and pinky fingers got messy.

8. Get your YELLOW nail polish, and do a french tip at the bottom of your nails, and do a wide french tip.

9. Let dry completly and APPLY a TOP COAT, & you're all done, got cute candy corns on yer nails!
Yay! :D

This is by far my FAV HALLOWEEN NAILS I HAVE DONE! So cute and fun! :D

Colors You Will Need, 
Left to Right, China Glaze - CGX253 An Affair To Remember,  Santee Nail Art - ST105 Red Glitter

You'll need 2 REDS, like a wine/burgandy shade and for the glitter a nice red one will do. :)

Since I didn't have a wine/burgandy color, I used what I had, which was a red polish with some pinky color to it, it's like a middle tone color, not too light and not to dark. And so when I apply the red glitter polish on top, which is a lot darker, it gives a wine color. :) So in short, I have to make my own wine color.


2. Apply BLACK polish (I used 2 coats)

3. Apply the WINE color as a FRENCH TIP at the edges of your nails, and make it some what wide.

4. With the SAME COLOR, MAKE SQUIGGLES, to give the dripping look. I literally painted squiggles, also, make a short one, a long one, you know, a variety of lengths. :)

5. Let dry, and APPLY the RED GLITTER nail art, and PAINT OVER THE WINE COLOR.

6. Let dry and APPLY TOP COAT!

And that's it, all done! :)

I hope you guys enjoy my NIY halloween nails, I had fun doing them, I wish I was a able to make a video tutorial, but had no time to make it and then on top of that edit it, because I'm busy with my art classes. :(
I'm bummed out over that, because I was looking forward to making the video tutorials. :(
But, I hope you can understand through my picture tutorials. :)


Anyways, since it is the last day of the month, I always do my monthly music playlists, sooo todaaaay, I have a HALLOWEEN MUSIC PLAYLIST! Some of my fav Halloweeny songs. :)

MONSTER MASH!!!  :D (I'm sure you guys saw this song coming!) lol
I thought this animated video was sooo cool, I really love it, fun to watch. :D


And I know this is a music playlist, buuut I looove this little movie, I always watched it every Halloween when I was a teen and was a big fan of it!

Ok, I honestly think my playlist is over, lol. No other video or song can BEAT this little movie!
I've fallen back in love with it, I can't believe I almost forgot about it! I can't think of  any song that can beat this! This is just an AMAZING MOVIE!!! The dancing is great, the special effects are awesome, and gotta love the songs!!!It's like a rebirth of Thriller. :D I looove it sooo much!
Ah, well, I guess I'm back to my Halloween tradition, cause, I got sucked into the movie and watched it, instead of finishing typing this post up! LOL :D, I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON, HE'S A FUCKING GENIUS, ALWAYS & FOREVER!!!

If you guys haven't watched this mini movie, YOU MUST WATCH IT!!! It's truely great!



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