
Textural LA

10:49 PM

Hi guys!
 I want to show you what I have been up too lately, being busy with my art classes, and no time for blogging :(. But I'm sooo happy with my media art class, we're currently learning photoshop, and our teacher taught us how to make our own textures and she wanted us to experiment making our own and layering them onto our own pictures that we took ourselves. 
So I have 3 images with the same background image,  but for all 3 images, there are different textures that I made, hope you guys like! :)

Here's the original picture, it's of downtown LA.

This was my first experiment, City Girl, and my textures were paint splatters, and I also scanned in a image of a model and the words city girl from my old NYLON mags, it was a lot of fun to do. :D

I honestly didn't know what I was doing sort of. Like I didn't really have a direction of how I wanted my picture to be like. All I knew was that I wanted to do something with fashion, which is why I used the model. 
I pretty much just played/messed around on photoshop and boom! It all came together, lol. I really loved the background colors, and then I added the model, then the city girl and lastly the paint splatters. :)

My 2nd experiment, and I call this, The Burning City.
For this image, I used lace in the background, and on top I used black drip paint drips, and I then messed around with the colors. 

I didn't plan on making a burning city lol, I was just messing around and trying out ideas and what not, and yeah, it all came together. :D After, making the city look like it's burning, I added the black paint drips, to make it look like it's water and it's putting out the fire. ^^  I wanted to give my image a theme or a little story behind it, so yea. :) 

And lastly, my 3rd experiment, City Love and I LOOOOVE THIS ONE!! It's simple and cute! :D
For the textures I used, crumbled drawing paper for the background, and I scanned in the heart and the word Love from my old NYLON mags. 

For this image, I wanted to have fun with it and wanted to make something cute and kind of indie with the colors and the sky.  I honestly didn't have to put much effort in the thinking process, it again just all came together. :) And if you look closely the shading of the crumbled paper looks like BIRDS! How awesome! Anna even noticed it the next morning. :D whooop! 

So there you have it, my latest media art works, and I realllly enjoyed making these, and I def. want to make moooore, def. fashion related ones! :D Also, while working on this assignment, I was really amazed that I was doing a good job with the ideas and what not, that it got me thinking that I should take more computer art classes in the future.....or maybe in the near future! :D I'd love to learn computer art for myself, and to just get ideas and apply it to fashiooooon ;). Whatever I do in life, it WILL ALWAYS BE DIRECTED TOWARDS FASHION!


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