
Friday's Outfit - Stripes

2:15 PM

Shirt - Zenana Outfitters 
Cowl Tunic - Delirious (Ross)
Tights - Pink Rose (My mother bought it for me from Macys )
Socks - No brand
Oxfords - Sam Edelmans (Anna's shoes)

Having fun at my uni :D

Sliding down the stair rail @ my uni. :D 

These pictures were taken by Anna with my ipod :)

Bag - American Rag (From Payless)
I loooove these knitted tights!!!  
They kept me sooo warm through out the day, so cozy like pj's!

On Friday, it was my bro's birthday, and my parents wanted to take him out to a restaurant, Shanghai Red's in Marina Del Ray, and this is what I wore. :) 
This was actually my first time wearing these black knitted tights that my mom got for Anna and I, and ohhhh myyy god, I looove them! I usually don't like wearing tights/leggings when it's cold outside, because my legs still get cold and I just hate the feeling. But these knitted tights KEPT MY LEGS WARM, I was AMAZED, and I'm in love with them, I could pretty much live in them! lol :D So these are now def. a staple in my closet for the colder days to come! :D

Jumbo grilled shrimp, Scallops, Salmon, Cooked veggies, Bastami Rice (Sooooo damn good!) and slice of lemon to squirt on the fish and what not. :) 

I loooooved the rice, it was unexpectedly my fav and loved the scallops, which was my first time having them. :D

There are several more restaurant pics on my instagram, so, check em out if you want. :)


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