
My Fashion Dolls :)

8:00 AM

Hi guys!
I want to show you something I've been doing over the weekend. I created my first female body base doll on Illustrator and boy, oh boy, I have fallen in love! I had sooo much fun putting clothes on my very own doll on polyvore! I'm so addicted, all I wanna do is play dress up with my dolls! :D Makin my first doll base and playing around with it, made me want to start on my dress up game! :D It has been a loooong dream of mines since I was 16, because I would play virtual dress up games on my pc and I fell in love with the games that I dreamed of makin my own! So now I am ready and excited and I will get busy drawing out trendy clothes and slowly making my game! I say slowly, because I don't have adobe Flash program, so I have to use another alternative. :)

The BFF Girls :)

I clipped my doll base onto polyvore and put together outfits for them. It is so much fun, I feel like a big kid, like you have noooo idea! :D 

Did you guys ever play a dress up game online? 
What do you think of my fashion dolls?


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