
Music Playlist of August!

11:04 PM

Hi guys!
Here's my monthly music playlist, hope you like this months music! ;)

August started off with a bang of hot music, I completely fell in love with the song, BANG BANG by Jessie J, ft Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj, the second I heard it I was like :O ......OOOOOH MY GOD, THIS IS HOT! I'M IN LOVE! That I took it to my twitter, to say how much I loved it! This would be my 2nd fav song from Jessie J, the first one is Domino, which is a fun pop song :)

The 2nd hot song that made my August was Good Kisser by Usher *insert emoji heart eyes face*
Yes, I quickly fell in love with the song the second I heard it of it as well.  But let me just say, DISCLOSURE'S REMIX is sooooooo much better than the original one, the original...meh, it's too soft, it isn't energetic to me. Disclosure NEVER DISAPPOINTS! They always know how to add sexiness to a song! AH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!

Another hot song is, The Conductor by Croatia Squad, the background music is so nice, and love the vocals

So the rest of the playlist has some edm, several indie music artists and some rap/hip hop(?)
Can't believe August is pretty much done :( I hope you all had a good summer though!

*What song made your August?


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