
Music Playlist of September!

11:56 PM

My September started off with an oldish song that I used to listen to several yrs back and I'm sooo happppy that I found it on Spotify! ♥♥♥♥ It's Bellatrax - Can't Hold Back, it's a beautiful song with a beautiful vocal, or at least I think so :)
And then for some reason I don't know why, but I felt like listening to Rihanna songs, listened to her songs throughout September, which then set me in the mood for listening to R&B with Aaliyah, who I miss oh so much! I miss her beautiful voice :/ ♥♥♥♥
So I wasn't really into listening to edm this month, I don't know, I checked out some new edm songs, and I don't know, wasn't feeling them. I found myself searching for old 90's early 2000's dance music, anything instead of today's edm honestly. 
One last thing I want to say, I found it interesting how my playlist sorta starts off with Rihanna annnnd then it ends of with Chris Brown! TOTALLY UNPLANNED! Let me just say, I haven't listened to a Chris Brown song since the whole Chris Brown/Rihanna thing. But last wk, I saw his new song, Don't Be Gone Too Long and I saw that Ariana Grande was ft in the song, sooo I was like...hmmm...I love Ariana Grande, I'll take a listen. I didn't think I'd dig it, but I quickly FELL IN LOVE WITH THAT SONG!!! I think it's soooooo beautiful!!!!! I love the lyrics and the Chris Browns and Ariana's vocals together, so beautiful I think they should make more songs together. :)

Anyways, hope you guys like this months playlist!

*What songs are you currently listening too?*


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