
Product Review Video - Born Pretty Store Nail Art Stamper & Template

9:53 PM

Hey everyone! :)

Here is my long waited product review video for Born Pretty Store, it's a continuation of the nail polish review video post, and I was sent, the nail art stamper and the template. :)

I recorded this video Aug. 22 & 23rd, and Aug. 24th was my bday, and Aug. 25th my uni started, so I was left being really busy with uni and my classes, that I was unable to edit and finish editing the video. But thankfully this weekend I had free time, so I was able to put my video together and up on youtube, finally! :D

Born Pretty Store Products Used:
Stamper - 2Pcs/Set Practical Stamping Nail Art Stamper & Scraper 
Template - Nail Art Stamp Template Quirky Net Floral Pattern QA92

Nail Polishes Used:
LA Colors (Like this but in White)
Wet n Wild (Like this but in Black)
3 Concept Eyes - Green 

Here is my SITE WIDE 10% OFF CODE, NNAW10, I hope you guys enjoy it! :D

And I hope you guys liked my product review for born pretty store ^^

I was not paid to do this product review, but I was sent the products and ALL OPINIONS ARE OF MY OWN! :)


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