
My Recent Fashion Illusrations

First pic taken by twin, and the rest by my cell. Drawn with H pencilInked with Black Filt tip markerColored with Prisma Color pencils and Prisma markers. <3 I quickly drew these drawings on Monday, after my mom and I were trying to decide how we're going to make the top of my dress, that I'm going to be wearing next month for my...

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Hiatus....Sadly :(

Hey guy's, so I have some bad news, my pc hard drive died on April 18th, and I'm fucking pissed, so I can' post as much, and I miss blogging sooo muuuch!! :( I don't know when my twin and I will get a new hard drive, sooo please be patient with our blog, I will come back, and I CAN'T WAIIIIT TO FULLY COME...

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What I Loved/Liked From J.Crew's Fall 2011 R-T-W Collection

♥My Collage♥ Left to Right1. Love the pants and the color of it. ♥2. LOOVE THIS OUTFIT!! Loove everything the model is wearing! I loove the bag too!! ♥♥♥!!!3. I LOOOOVE THE BLOUSE!! Love the color and love the draping of right side of the model's shoulder, I also loove the bag, and like the skirt! ♥♥♥!!4. I LOOOOOOOVE THE AWESOME BAG!!! I WANT IT!! Loove the...

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Something I Want To Try Out......

Thanks to  Sick By Trend for posting the info on his blog about designing a shirt for  Kylie Minogue, Dolce and Gabbana!!! :D I clicked on the link, and was interested, seems like something cool to do, and I have been thinking of giving it a shot. I mean, I have been waiting for an opportunity like this FOREVERRRRRR!!! SO, NOW IS THE TIME!!  At first, I...

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Last Friday's Outfit + Mall Display Pics

 I added a double heart charm to my chain ring last week of Thursday, and my nana saw and loooved it!! :D It was sooo cute her, OOOOOOH! LOL LOL <33333 Sadly when I got home, I was being rushed, and had to take off my ring, and forced the ring of my finger, and DAMMIT! >:| THE CHAIN BROKE!! SOO PISSED!!! >.<  R.I.P. I guess, huh? This is the second...

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Since I'm on my break, I want to get back to sewing and making things because I have some ideas, and untouched fabric that I got last summer, and WANT TO USE THEM THIS SUMMER!! LOL! :DI'd like to make a romper, a flowy skirt, a drape vest, a knitted/non-knitted turban, annnnnd whatever else comes to mind. :) I'd also like to revamp some old...

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Pompadour & Quiffs!!

OK! So, last night I was messing around with my hair, and wanted to make a hairstyle, and I tried several ideas of up do's and like one sided half up-do's and half of the hair down and wasn't satisfied. So I untied everything, combed the hair, got the rest of my hair at the back and put it in a bun, and...

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