
Pompadour & Quiffs!!

10:13 PM

OK! So, last night I was messing around with my hair, and wanted to make a hairstyle, and I tried several ideas of up do's and like one sided half up-do's and half of the hair down and wasn't satisfied. So I untied everything, combed the hair, got the rest of my hair at the back and put it in a bun, and from the middle area at the top of my head, I grabbed the hairs, combed it, and started twisting it. When I was done twisting it, I wanted to make a bun at the front, but I didn't like how it was turning out, it started getting messy, so I twisted my hair to the side as you can see form the pics, and pinned them, and OH MY GOD!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOOOVE THE HAIR STYLE!!! :D  The one thing I don't like and have to figure out is the back side. Profile view, I don't like it at allll! The bun sticks out, and I would like to hide the bun, and you know have a cleaner finish to the hair style. :) I would also like to put a yellow streak in my side bun, lol, I think it will look cool. :) Next time I go somewhere, I'M TOTALLY ROCKIN THIS NEW DO! :D
OH! And I also have another idea for this hair do, I would love to put some braids at the other side, or put  two braids along with my bun and twist my hair and secure it to the side with hair pins. :D GOD I LOOOVE HAIR DESIGN!!! AHHHHHH I LOVE DESIGN IN GENERAL!! I GET SOO EXCITED LIKE A HUUGE RUSH COMES INSIDE OF ME, AND  I GET SOO MANY IDEAS AFTER THE OTHER!! 
Cell Pics with no make up on lol.

So after doing that hairstyle last night, I was wondering today what those cool hair styles were called, with the buns at the front of the head that I have seen on the fashion runways, and I found out it was called pompadours! I later found out about quiffs and I love them too, their fun and you can really get creative with quiffs and pompadours!! I would really love to learn both styles and do something with my hair. :D
So, I'd like to share with you guys some cool pompadour and quiff hair styles I found on google. :)

Pompadour @  Diesel Black Gold













Pompadours @ Diesel Black Gold


(Loooooove this one!!!)

***So who's a fan of pompadours and quiffs?***

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