
Something I Want To Try Out......

12:25 AM

Thanks to  Sick By Trend for posting the info on his blog about designing a shirt for  Kylie Minogue, Dolce and Gabbana!!! :D I clicked on the link, and was interested, seems like something cool to do, and I have been thinking of giving it a shot. I mean, I have been waiting for an opportunity like this FOREVERRRRRR!!! SO, NOW IS THE TIME!!  At first, I did back down from the  contest I guess you would call, because, I didn't think I'd have a chance, or be good enough. But I shouldn't think that way, because, like I said above, I've been waiting for a loonng time for an opportunity like this, and I should not let it pass by me, and I can get some exposure for my art, and plus I LOOOVE KYLIE MINOUGE!!! I have been a fan of Kylie since I was 14, and now I'm 24, soooo yeaa, I'm gonna do the T-shirt design. :D 
So yesterday, I was working on a illustration for a follower ;), and then I started thinking about the t-shirt contest and, I started drawing out some sketch ideas, to give it out a try, and I came up with a few, but only like 2 of the designs I really like, but still not satisfied. As my great former 3-D sculpture teacher said to me, NEVER SETTLE FOR THE FIRST IDEA! Always play around and get more creative, till you feel that you are satisfied! So, that is what I'm currently doing, trying to get more creative with the T-shirt designs, and I must admit...it's hard, :/ .
My idea's are slowly coming to me...not cool! -.- I loove it when my ideas naturally flow and come to mind. :D I want to do a fun design with color, because when I think of Kylie, I think of COLOR! :D But still I want to keep it simple and easy on the eyes. :) Can't wait to come up with the final idea!! :D 

As her lyrics go, Whats the worst thing that could happen to you/ take a chance tonight, and try something new.

I looove KYLIIEE! She is soooo BEAUTIFUL!! I loove the dress with the chains/pearls <333 The white pleated dress-sooo beautiful! Love everything she is wearing!


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