
Old Downtown Pics From May 25th

1:09 AM

They were soo huge the perfume bottles, I want one of that size. :D lol

My mom and I looooved these men shoes! I love the lighter color more. :D <3

Wanted to check out that store, it looked cool.
I googled the store name, and here it is- Superdry
Checked out some stuff @ the site, and OMGOD, I LOOVE THE SHORTS AND LEATHER JACKETS! Too bad it's expensive though. : / 
Virgo store <3333 


They have high quality stuff, and sooo much to see, because the store is really big. <3

They're sooo cute, I WANT THEM! :D <3

I bought this, it has a carved elephant and it's hand carved. :D
I LOOOVE ELEPHANTS, and absoluutely loooved this! 
I'm thinking to make a necklace piece using this. :D
These are SOOO PRETTTY! I don't know what they're made out of, but I love them! lol.
And when I uploaded these pics, I was looking at this pic, and NOTICED that there was one with AN ELEPHANT! :(  Wish I saw in store, I would have bought this one instead of the wooden one. :/ I guess next time. 

Natural shells, these are soo pretty as well, I loove them and I LOOOVE SHELLS! <3

Haha, I LOVE THIS! LOL :D It was fun. :D

This was a quick shot, and loved how it turned out. :D <3

I love motorcycles, and loove taking pics of people riding them :D <3

I pushed all the individual rings together to make one of those cool long one piece rings <3

I also bought these resizable rings at a jewelry place, where I bought the wooden carved out elephant piece.
I almost didn't buy them because in the middle of each ring, there was a stone on them, and I told my mom, I don't want them, because of whats in the middle, and I plan on gluing things on top. I guess the owner heard, and OMGOD, HE IS SOOOO NICE AND SOO COOL! He got the little package baggy of the rings, and for FREE he took the stone off of EACH RING with some machine!!! W000T! LOL. ISN'T THAT AWESOME?!
I tell ya, more store owners should be nice like him, don't you think?! :D He's jewelry/bead store is my 2nd fav store in downtown, but I didn't get a chance to get the name. :(  I LOOOVED EVERYTHING HE HAD IN HIS STORE, I WANT THEM ALL!! LOL! 
I can't wait to go back to his store, maybe in July, he's such a cool, down-to-earth, friendly store owner! :D

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