
Good News! :D

12:00 AM

A few months ago, I said, the blog will be on a hiatus due to our computer's death. But the past few months, I have been using my dad's laptop when ever I had a chance to update the blog and all. And on Wednesday, Anna and my parents went shopping for a computer, but she ended up getting a dell inspiron laptop 15R (which is reallly nice, and I too liked it the other day when I saw it at Costco), and then my mom decided she wanted to get  a TOWER AS WELL!!! O.O!!! She bought the desktop, because, just in case something goes wrong with the laptop. My twin sister, left me speechless when she told me, that our mom wanted to get a tower too. -.- I still don't know what to think. O.o
But, I'm happy that I could now post everyday, get back to making my fashion collages (because it's quiet hell making them on my dad's lappy), ANNNND MOST IMPORTANTLY....GETTING SOME ILLUSTRATIONS DONE FASTER! :D  

So that's THE GOOD NEWS! :D 

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