
Last Saturday's Outfit + Having Fun With The iphone 4 :D

11:40 PM

Outside the Northridge Mall

Anna took these pics for me with my camera. :)

Anna & I shared this cinnamon sugary pretzel, and IT WAS SOOOOO DAMNNNN GOOOOD!!!

We hanged out at the Apple store checkin out the iphone 4, 
& I drew this on the sketch pad app, it was fun :D

I forgot what's called, something robot, lol.
I had sooo much fun playing around with it, and pumped up the volume, because the noise was SOOO FUNNNY LOL! Oh and Anna pointed out that some man, kept looking my way, when I was playing around with the app, because, I guess he was getting annoyed, LMAO!
I don't care, if someone thinks this app is annoying, it's SERIOUSLY ENDLESS FUN FOR ME! :D

Should have done my hair this style, it complements my face better. -.-

What I Wore:
Dress- Zara (My mom got it for me from the Sale )
Belt- My mom's vintage belt
Leggings- H&M
Oxfords- Sam Edelman
Bag- H&M

Last Saturday, I wore this outfit, to go visit my nana's grave with all my other relatives.
After the grave all my relatives, family and I went to a resturuant called, Carousel restaurant. It's a Armenian restaurant  and the layout of the resturant inside is pretttty damn nice! I LOOOVED IT!  I loved the decorations they hanged on the walls, they had swords, shot guns, pretty colored vases, Armenian vintage dolls, and the chandeliers WERE SOO PRETTY! They had hanging beads around the lights, soooo prettty! My mom, Anna and I LOOOVED IT SO MUCH!   The food was alright, I mean it's just armenian food.... :P.  I'm used to eating armenian food, so  it's like nothing to me. I was hoping they'd serve MY FAAAAV armenian appetizer, Byorek, but UGHHHH...THEY DIDN'T!!! >.< It's ALL I CARED TO EAT.....& DESSERTS!  They didn't serve desserts, I'm guessing because my uncle didn't order them...what a FAIL. -.-

After the resturant all my relatives were going to my uncles home except for my twin and I, because, I can't seem to stand going to someone's house and staying there for the FULL day, it's absolute TORTURE! I get easily bored, so our parents dropped us off at the Northridge Mall, and we just hanged there all day. :)

We had a great time, did a few streetstyle pics as you saw in the previous posts, window shopped, and got distracted with the Apple store. :D We stayed there for a good few hours, lol. I checked out the news on Amy Winehouse...so sad :(, checked out the sketch pad, played a few games and omgod.....my faaaav game on the iphone 4 is some car racing game! Man, I had SOOOO MUCH FUN PLAYING IT! :D I was sooo into it, and it made me realize how much I MISSED PLAYING RACING GAMES! :D I used to play a bunch when I was a kid with my cousins on Nintendo and PlayStation and what not. :D
Anna also played around with the car racing game, but couldn't get a hang of it, LMAO, was sooo funnny!  She also checked out the cooking apps and had fun with that.

After the apple store we just walked outside the mall, and I asked Anna to take a few outfit pics. Later  we went and had the cinnamon sugared pretzel that we both shared and had a few candies from the candy gumball machine. :D
That was our day, and it ended nicely.

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