
Run With Fashion's 1ST YR ANNIVERSARY!!!

10:45 PM

  Image from The Cupcake Blog
Yayyyyy!!! :D 
Lets take a trip down to memory lane....(lol)

I started this blog last yr in October 25th, and honestly, I didn't think I'll last this long in blogging. I actually even considered to quit this blog, within like the 2nd month of blogging. I just didn't think anyone would read what I wanted to share, my thoughts on what I loved and all or would find this blog interesting. And, I honestly felt like I wasn't good enough, and within the week of thinking to quit, I GOT MY FIRST FOLLOWER!!! OH BOY! THAT LIFTED MY SPIRITS TREMENDOUSLY!!!  I seriously couldn't believe it! So receiving my first follower, I decided to keep the blog, and continue on with blogging and see what happens! :)
My first full yr of blogging, I REALLLY HAD NO IDEA what I was getting myself into, I had no idea blogging was soo time consuming! I thought it would be easy, just posting posts, and then going on with my life, lol. I got excited on the idea of having a fashion blog, to show people my own fashion design illustrations.  I wanted to show people, my design ideas, from clothes, to shoes to accessories and even hair styles! But, I then realized, I'm putting my work at risk, by having people look and they could possibly STEAL MY IDEAS! My ideas are precious to me, and so I decided to post other fashion related things, like my What I Loved/Liked collection posts, outfit pics, and eventually started showing my outfit illustrations, because, I badly wanted to show my talent. :D It's like the one big main thing about me, my artistic talent, and I reallly love showing you guys my illustrations, because it's fun, and I feel right at home blogging about my illustrations. I seriously love showing my illustrations more than showing my outfit posts, because I worked really hard on them. :)
And every since my first full yr at blogging, I noticed that blogging was helping me out in ways that I didn't think it  would! 
The first thing that it helped me out with was my CREATIVITY! I noticed that I was always thinking of creative ideas, to bring art and fashion together, and to try and do creative posts, to always add a little artistic touch in my posts that I do. For god sakes, CREATING IS MY LOVE AND MY LIFE!!! And having this blog TOTALLY HELPS WITH THAT! :D
The 2nd thing that the blog helped me out with was my.....SHYNESS! I care about the blog so much and wanted good content for the blog, so I don't have to bore people, that I decided to take street style pics on my own, and well...what I'm trying to say, is that my care for the blog, it forced me to put myself out there and get over my fears and slowly get over my shyness, and that WAS GREAT!!!  I mean it's scary at times to go up to strangers for an outfit pic, but I put my fears aside and go for it, just so I can have content for the blog. :D And also, forcing myself to do street style pics for the blog, it made me feel like as if I stumbled upon a new hobby or new love, of street style pics. I mean, I always have loved looking at people who have a great fashion sense/style, but having a chance to capture it, IT'S GREAT, AND LOADS OF FUN!! :D
So yeah, having a fashion blog has helped me out personally in my life and creatively.

 Some of the highlights since I started blogging was doing two illustrations for two other fashion bloggers, Modanista Junkie, & Sister's & Sister's, and then being asked to do a drawing for two girls that share a fashion blog, Lovely Wanderlust, which I'm currently drawing, and then over July I was asked to draw for another blogger Kristina @ Beancakes, and then I will be doing a drawing for Make Shift Model. Soooo, I'm excited to be doing all these drawings, and can't wait to finish my current illustration and to start on the other illustrations for the other bloggers! :D

Blogging has opened my eyes to a whole new different world. Blogging is really amazing, it can change your life in ways you didn't think it possibly could. It's just cool that you can connect with people all around the world, that share the same interests as you, and that maybe you can make a connection with someone, and it's just pretty awesome!
Blogging, is like 1 big giant social network on it's own! Won't anyone agree? :)
I loove blogging, and I hope I can blog for a very long time, and it will be interesting to look back and see how I, as a person and artist evolved, since I started blogging. :)

I'd like to say a HUUUUGE THANK YOUU for my readers from the beginning and until now, to the people who don't follow my blog, but do take the time to check in once in awhile and leave comments,  I appreciate your comments, I appreciate everyone's comments, it means the world to me, because it keeps me  positive and hopeful for life. :)


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