
What I loved/Liked From ADAM's Spring 2012 R-T-W Collection

6:13 PM

My Collage

Left to Right
1. Love the sheer top, and love that the collar is shiny. :D

2. I like the skirt, I love the floral patterns, so spring


4. LOOOVE THE SHEER SLEEVELESS COAT!! I love that the edges are light pink :) I also love the sheer sleeveless top, and the floral pants.

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6. Love this dress. I love the pockets and the buttons on the waist area, it gives off a vintagey feel. :)

7. LOOOVE THIS DRESS!! SO CUTE!! I love the lavender color, the print, and love the sheerness of the dress, so cute! I would want this dress if I had the $$$$. :D lol. ♥♥♥♥

8. Loooove the comfy looking pants. So cute !

9. Loove this outfit! I love the top, because of the collar, and loove the pants! ♥♥

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10. Loove the sleeveless coat! So nice, I love the collar

11. Love the dress, nice and simple, love the neckline and the waist area.

12. Loove the cape and the sheer top!

13. Loove the jacket and the wide leg pants, very nice, love the belt too. :)

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14. Love the net top, it would be cool to style with it, I would def. wear something underneath the top. lol.

15. Love the dress, very nice, I love the pockets.

16. Loove this look, so cute! Love the design of the top, I want it! ♥♥♥♥ I also love the loose rolled up pants, so cute. :D

17. Love the skirt, love the buttons at the front.

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18. Loove this look!! I love the polka-dot shorts, the blazer, and the sheer printed top! I want to see the top alone though, I'm curious about it. :)  Love the sunnies as well. :D ♥♥♥♥

19. Like the shirt, I love the collar, so retro. :D

20. LOOOOVE THIS LOOK! LOOOVE THE FLOWEY....cape? Love the pants as well. :D ♥♥♥♥

21. LOOOVE THIS DRESS!!! So nice, I loove the print of the dress, I want it. :D ♥♥♥♥ The model looks like she's going to a yacht. lol.

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22. LOOOVE THIS DRESS! SO CUTE! I'd want this too! :D ♥♥♥♥

23. Like this look, love the sheer top, & love the floral prints. Though, I think I love the blazer more than the pants.  :) 

24. I LOOOOVE THIS DRESS! SO BEAUTIFUL!! Love the fit of the dress ♥♥♥♥♥ I would def. want this dress. :D

25. Like the top, and blazer. I like the shininess of the blazer. :D

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26.  Loooove this outfit! So cool! I loove the military inspired jacket, so awesome! :D And loove the pretty dress! :D  ♥♥♥♥!!

27. I LOOOVE THIS DRESS! Love the sheer sleeves, and the print of the fabric, so soft and cute! ♥♥♥♥

28. Loove the sheer top and the print of it! :)

29.  LOOOVE THIS DRESS, SOO CUUTE!!  But woooaa...her bewb is almost peeking out. O.o
Anyways...I'd want this dress if I had the $$$  :D  ♥♥♥♥♥

*Images from Style.com

I loved the colors, of lavender shades, to pink shades, the polka-dot prints, & florals! So spring! ♥
I loved the simple hair styles & sunnies too! :D

*What Did You Guy's Think of Adam's Spring Collection?*

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