
My Halloween Nails :)

6:27 PM

I didn't get to dress up this yr or do anything fun for Halloween, because, I have to study for a test for tomorrow for my class, I have to redeem myself, from the first test, lol. Sooo, I got stuck with a lot of studying over the weekend and even today. But on Sunday, I got to "dress up" my nails for HALLOWEEN! :D And that seriously made me happy, I love nail art, even if it's really a simple design, it cheers me up. :) 

I took these pics at school except for the nail polishes.

 My Halloween mask! LOL :D 
So, there's a lil dressing up. :)

I 1st applied Sally Hansen's nail polish as the base
2nd I used Santee Nail Art in black for the tips of my nails
3rd I again used Sally Hansen's for the top coat.

I wouldn't want to trade this weather for any other weather!
Beautiful blue skies, hardly any clouds and a bursting sun, HEAVEN...even if it's on Halloween day! :D lol

A guy laying down, reading something with his pumpkin by his side. 

I just had to take this pic, I think it's so cute. lol
Love that all the leaves are next to him, and his outfit matches the scenery. :D


*What did you guys dress up as?* :)

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