
My Saturday Outfit @ The Mall :)

5:26 PM

 What I was wearing: 
Shirt - Mossimo (trifted)
Sweater - Route 66 (got it when I was in my teens from Kmart)
Necklace - No brand (Uncle gave it to my mom)
Jeans - Jolt
Glasses - Givenchy
Bag - H&M
Shoes - Zara

Close up of the necklace

So a little story about my outfit, I wanted to go for a nerdy inspired look and a little unkempt, by having half of my shirt tucked in and the other half out. I was in the mood to wear a sweater with a collar shirt, so I was looking through my closet and trying on whatever I had, and I noticed my striped route 66 sweater, and I tried it on. At first I didn't like it, because, the sleeves are loose and somewhat baggy, but I decided to fold it, to minimize the bagginess of it, and yeah, I really liked it, and though it was cute! So I went with it, and sort of built the outfit around the sweater :) .  I believe I only wore this sweater, like once in my life, and this would be the 2nd time wearing it. LOL!

 I bought this sweater, when I was like ummm....16 I think. I think I was 16 going on 17, and I was starting to be more open minded to girl clothes, because, in my early teens until I was 16, I wore clothes that hid my figure, and I was interested in boy clothes, and would shop in the guys section, lol. I remember buying a lot of cargo pants, with looots of pockets, that was my favorite kind of pants to wear, LOL. And when I did shop in the girls section, I would be only interested in graphic printed shirts, lol.  I would never wear skirts, dresses anything feminine, I would ALWAYS wear pants. I just felt comfortable, but when I was 16 going on 17, I started sloooowly being open to female clothes, and I remember being at Kmart, and I saw this sweater, I liked the colors, it just gave me a warmth feeling, and my mom liked it, I tried it on, and sort of liked it, and I bought it, lol. I have no idea what age I was the last time I wore it, so bad, lol. So, I wanted to give this sweater a 2nd chance, from being locked up in my closet forever and to give it some life, lol.
And also, I felt that the sweater, went well with my nerdy outfit that I was trying to make. :)

I cuffed my skinny jeans to give it a little more style to my outfit, instead of going with the usual being uncuffed.
I wore my actual eye glasses that are fairly new, that my twin sister, Anna picked out , to go with my nerdy look, and then I topped off my outfit with the collar necklace! I know the collar necklace doesn't go with the outfit, but I felt like something was missing from my outfit, and really wanted to wear an accessory, and I thought of the collar necklace trend that's going around this yr, so, I looked through my moms drawers, lol, and found this collar necklace, and I liked it, and wore it. It may not go with my nerdy outfit, but I don't care, I like it and I wanted to wear it. :D And if you think about it, the stereotype of nerds, when it comes to fashion, they're not really matchy with their outfits.

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