
Saturday Shoping @ The Mall :)

11:55 PM

On Saturday I went to the mall with a family friend, & had a great time with her!
We did some shopping together, well, she mainly did the shopping, I just went into stores and 'ohhh'd' and 'awwwed' at the clothes and tried on 3 leather jackets @ guess
I remember the day before Saturday, a male net friend asked me if I wanted anything from the mall, and I said I don't know, lol, but on Saturday, once I saw the GUESS mannequin wearing a leather jacket, I was like, OH YEAH!!  NOW I KNOW WHAT I REALLLY WANT! So I was on a hunt for the perfect leather jacket. And, I actually did find the perfect leather jacket.
But guess what? .......They didn't HAVE MY SIZE!!!! ARRRGHHHHHH!!! WHYYYYYYY?!?!  Why does it ALWAYS have to END THIS WAY?!  :((  I guess, next time, I'll just have to check in GUESS and see if they have it in my size.
After some hours of shopping, we had lunch & had Subways , and while eating, we had intellectual convo's and also had a discussion on the current book I'm reading for my class, Wuthering Heights. That was my fav topic, discussing about the book, I very much enjoyed it, and hopefully we can discuss the book more, when I am done reading it! :D  I love her so much!
After lunch, we continued on shopping, and I helped her look for a V-neck sweater top, which she found at Express! Out of alll the stores in the mall, Express was the only store that had what she wanted, & Express is her FAV STORE! :D She then sadly, had to leave for her job, and I decided to hang at the mall by myself, and check out the rest of the stores and hopefully to buy something. Every store I went to I seriously only cared to look for LEATHER JACKETS! I went into Zara, and found a AWESOME jacket, that looks like leather from far, but once you get closer, it isn't leather. But, I loved the style of the jacket and the illusion of looking like leather that I had to try it on. And omgod, MAN IT'S A KICK ASS JACKET! IT SERIOUSLY STOLE MY HEART AND MIND! I just felt so cool wearing it, and just loved how casual but cool looking it was. Through out the whole day, I just kept thinking about this jacket, I love it so much, I REALLLLY WANT IT!! ♥ 

Here's the awesome jacket from Zara, isn't it awesome?!  :D
I would wear this jacket EVER DAY!!! I love it soo much!! i miss it, hahhaa.

It's either $79.90 or $79.00

While I was looking around Zara, from far, this lil black short caught my eye, and I was like *GASP*!! OMGOD, LEATHER SHORTS!!! And ran over to check it out, but to my surprise, they weren't leather. It was the same fabric as the jacket. I was curious, and just had to try them on, (oh they also have it in brown  and in the same fabric, but I love the black more), and they fit sooo well! I really loved them, pretty hot lil shorts. I don't think I'll be getting them, because well, it's waaay too short, I would be too shy and paranoid wearing them out. I don't want unwanted attention on me :P. I mean, I guess, if I did own these shorts, I can wear leggings under them, but, I don't know, I think I'll still be paranoid. lol.
 Looove the fabric!!

I love this pic, because of the mirror effect :D


Cargo jacket @ Zara's
This was a size small, and it still was a little big on me. -.- 

I then went to Forever 21 and found more jackets and tried em on. The woman who worked in the dressing room gave me this dressing room that HAD NO LIGHTS! UGH!
I took a pic of the jacket, but came out too dark, so I decided to take a lil video of the jacket.
I reallly loved this jacket from Forever 21, I think it's cute, really warm and just a comfy leather jacket. :)
I also want this as well. lol 

I LOOOVE THIS JACKET from Forever 21!!!
It reminds me of my twin's red jacket from H&M, and I think this was the last kind of jacket, because I found it laying around the sale section with like no price? I don't know. :/
I really wanted to buy this jacket, but only had $20 on me :(

I LOOOVED IT! Very fun and cute!

I loove the faux fur at the front of the vest, loved the buttons, and the forest green fabric.
It was a size small, but still was a lil big on me. -.-

has a buckle strap at the back.
Such a cute fall/winter vest!

I did get to buy something from Forever 21, 3 rings that came together, one ring is a white plastic flower, 2nd is a pearl ring, 3rd ring has a white/silver-ish rhinestone on the ring. The 3 rings are simple and could be worn all together, and I bought them, because, I have a loot of feminine pieces in my closet, and they will go with my new 3 rings! :D Yaaayyy. lol
I'll show you guys the rings in my outfit post, which will be sooon! :)

When I went to pay for my rings, the guy cashier was like, "Just this?"
& I said, "yeah" and laughed and he then he just laughed LOL. I guess it's rare for him to see a girl buying just 1 small thing from the huge forever 21. *shrugs* lol.

I shot this lil video of the professional dancers, dancing @ Macy's in the early afternoon, with my family friend.  She went to Spain last month, and so when she heard the latin music, she was very excited and happy, and we followed the music and the crowd and saw the 2 DANCERS! My family friend loves this kid of dancing, I believe it's her, and she was just happy to see them dance. :D  I enjoyed watching them, even if it was for only a few minutes, because we came late to the performance, because we obviously were unaware of the event. :/
I think they were Flamenco dancing?
Uhh..I'm not really sure, I forgot, if someone know's, please tell me which dance they're doing.
Thank you. :)

So that was my Saturday, Oh, and I also forgot to mention, I got to TRY ON THE LITA SHOES!!!! :D The store, Erik's Shoes, were out of stock of the Black leather Lita's, so I tried on the black glittery Lita's and OH MY GOD!!! WHOOOAAA, I ALMOST FELL WHILE WALKING IN THEM!! LOL! I mean, they are comfortable shoes, but oh my, those shoes, sadly weren't made for me :(
I was really heart broken, when I looked in the mirror and saw myself in those shoes, it so did not fit me. :( I was sooo sad, because I was hoping it would, *sighs* my face went from a giant smile to a frown. :/ They also had the all black leather Lita's in spike studs, and ohhh maaaan....my heart melted when I saw those spiked Lita's! :D  Even though, I now know my answer, that the Lita shoes don't go with me as a whole, I'm still going to try on the black leather Lita shoes when they are back in stock....juuust for fuuuun! :D

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