
Bows, Roses, A Mushroom & A Lil' Creature!

11:48 PM

Yesterday night I started to play with my new clays, and I wanted to make a Octopus, so I went online and watched some tutorials. My mom passed by me and asked, what I was trying to make, and I told her, and she's like come I'll show you how to make a bow and a flower, lol.
So, I thought she was going to make a bow or two, but she ended up making a BUNCH! LOL. So we had a unexpected, mother-daughter time, and it was nice to do something fun and creative with my mom, like in the past, when I was a child :) . 

She did all these, and I mixed up the colors for her, and she was loving the glitter. :D lol.

My mom has artrithis and she did a pretty damn good job on the bows and flowers, I mean she did a better job than the tutorials I have seen in the past! O.o lol
Mom's know best, huh? ;)

And I made these earlier in the night of yesterday, a cute lil creature (I was going to make the octopus head, but then I don't know, I instead ended up making this creature, lol.)
I first thought to make a necklace, but the it looks cool as a ring too. :)

It really glows in the dark the white spots on the mushroom.
Can't wait to bake this, it's either going to be a necklace or a lil charm. :)

*Which is your fav?*


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