
Our Christmas Nails

12:58 AM

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah/Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa everyone!  :D
How was everyone's holiday spent?
For Christmas, Eliza and i stayed home with our folks and just had a steak dinner  ♥

These are my (Anna) hands in which i painted Snow falling/Snowman on my fingernails :)  I just wanted my nails to be simple and cute in the theme of Winter, even though, living in Los Angeles there is no snow, however, snow goes perfectly with this time of events ♥  So, it HAD to be done!  :D

Anna ♥

Hey guys, here are my nails, that I re-did the other day like I said in this post, I re-did the Christmas tree by following a awesome tutorial, buuut...it didn't really come out that good :/ , I guess I just have to practice the method of making a Christmas Tree using tape. 

 Used the white for the background of the nails :)

 Used the black for the outlines of the falling snow and the snowman.

 Used the red glitter polish for the the scarf of the snowman.

I used this orange color for the nose of the snowman.

 I used this bronze color for the stand of the Christmas tree.

& I had to mix my Ocean Breeze L'Oreal and my Neon Yellow Nabi nail polishes to get the color green for the Christmas tree. :)


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