
My Colorful Skull Bracelet

11:27 PM


Hi guys!
I finally made my skull bracelet that I said I would make in this post.
I'm really happy with it, but it's not the actual bracelet. It's more of a sample bracelet, because, I bought a white chain last week, and I thought the white chain would go great with the neonish skulls....but...I couldn't find the jump rings, and eye pins..etc, in white.....sooo....the actual bracelet I'm going to put on hold, until I find white eye pins, white jump rings...white everything to complete the bracelet.

In the meantime I was impatient, so I put the skulls on a gold chain and un-matching jump rings and what not, just to see how it will look, and IT IS SOO CUTE AND FUN!! I took my bracelet for a lil...test drive ;) at the craft store, because I wanted to find a silver chain for my future creations, and this woman approached me asking what she can do with clay, and I showed her as a example my skull bracelet, and she loved my bracelet and was wowed because it was all from clay. :D So that was awesome...too bad I didn't have any business cards on me though :/

So this bracelet is NOT for sale, it's just a sample of what's to come! :)


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