
New Year, New Sneaks :D

8:23 PM

I finally got new black high top sneakers, thanks to my mom, who bought them as a gift for me! :D THANK YOU MOOOOM! ♥  She ordered the sneakers - Biggard, from Aldo, this past week, and it delivered the other day. :D  I can't wait to wear them, I don't have to wear my old converse shoes anymore, that I have been wearing the past uhhmmm...several yrs. I lost count of how long I have been wearing my black leather high top converse sneaks O.o, lol. I loooove them to death...but, they're getting old to the point they're hurting my feet, and I have been wanting new high top sneaks since like last yr, lol, and now I got em! :D

Once again...HAPPY NEW YEARS, 2012!!!

My NYE was alright, stayed home with my family, and watched the ball drop in times square....where I soooo wish I was!! :(   I hope someday, I'll be there, it's my wish every yr, to be @ the BIG APPLE! :D

*How was everyone's NYE?*

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