
My Progress Of My Bleached Denim Pouch

11:58 PM

I'm almost done making my denim bleached pouch.
I used old denim scraps from a unfinished tote bag, I was making last summer. I'm glad I didn't finish making the tote bag last summer, because I got to use to for my DENIM POUCH! :D
It was a little annoying trying to make each side even, because each scrap is um, not so evenly cut...haha.. -.-'  lol. So I had some trouble there, but I got it somewhat even. :)

 Pinned the 3 scraps together before sewing.

 Pinning, cutting, measuring on my bed is FUUUN!
I use my bed cover as a pin cushion. :D lol

I started bleaching earlier in the afternoon today.

I'm still going to do more bleaching, I want it to be more faded out the denim color.
And next to the Koala bear is a really cool design. :D
Hopefully when I bleach more, Koala bear and the cool design won't go away. :/

Pinned the 2 sides together to see how it looks like. :)

Pinned the 2 sides together, the inside of the pouch.

Can't wait till it's FINISHED! :D

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