
Music Playlist of June!

8:00 AM

Hi guys! :D
I used to do a montly playlist post at the end of each month in the past, but then I stopped doing it because, i got busy with uni :/  Buuut, I missed sharing with my readers songs and artists I discovered in every month, so I'm back to it! :D
And now that I have Spotify,  it's a lot easier to make playlists, instead of embedding music videos in my post, it just looks a looooot neater! :D
Anywho's, I hope you guys will like something in my playlist, these are the songs that I have mainly been listening to all month long, there's a lil bit of EDM, Nu Disco, Indie Dance, a lil Rap, & a bit of French music. :)

Most of these songs I discovered is through a app I have, called, Songza, I listen to a playlist that's called, Today's Indie Dance & Nu Disco. I love Songza, I always find great discoveries on there! :D

Also I've been listening to BT, this guys is such a CLASSIC for trance or electronica music! I've been a long time fan of him and his music, and for some reason this month, I just been listening to Somnambulist, it's such a classic song, and it was the first song I heard from him, I remember watching the music video on vh1 at night, and was just in love with the beautiful beats, the vocals, the lyrics and the VIDEO! I love it soooo much! If you guys aren't familiar with him, PLEASE CHECK HIM OUT, HE'S A CLASSIC, especially to those that are into electronica music! :)

*What are some of the songs you have been listening to this month?


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